Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Grapes Of Wrath Essays (895 words) - Dust Bowl, U.S. Route 66

The Grapes Of Wrath Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath is in direct correlation with his view of the rich and the poor. Steinbeck vividly depicts the wealthy as being ?monsters? and portrays the lower-class okies as being un-sung heroes. Steinbeck uses figurative language throughout the course of the novel in order to create these images. Steinbeck incorporates his views of social classes into his novel in order to forewarn society of the dangers of the separation of social classes. In the novel, The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck introduces lower class America as the gallant heroes, and upper class America as the evil influence behind social segregation. John Steinbeck is very fervent toward the manner in which the wealthy treat the poor because of the iniquities that manifest themselves in the upper class portion of our society. The poverty of our century is unlike that of any other. It is not, as poverty was before, the result of natural scarcity, but of a set of priorities imposed upon the rest of the world by the rich. Consequently, the modern poor are not pitied but written off as trash. The twentieth-century consumer economy has produced the first culture for which a beggar is a reminder of nothing. - John Berger John Berger and John Steinbeck have parallel minds when it comes to the manner in which the 20th century treats the destitute individual. The difficulty in this matter comes with the fact that there isn't a single individual to blame. Instead, society as a whole is to blame. Natural scarcity isn't even an issue when it comes to America's potential. If the price of food is too low we solve the problem by throwing out food that could have been used to feed the famished mouths of our ravenous society. Steinbeck depicts even a ravenous individual as a virtuous member of society. The Grapes of Wrath is such an involved novel because of the many themes that present themselves on so many different levels. The palpable reason for high-class society's iniquities is greed, but Steinbeck introduces many other ideas. One of the ideas that Steinbeck expresses through the novel is the idea that there is almost an innate malevolence that encompasses the wealthy. Aside from Steinbeck's malice view of the wealthy, he despises the men that work for the big corporations and believes that they are just as responsible for their actions. ?These last would take no responsibility for the banks or the companies because they were men and slaves, while the banks were machines and masters all at the same time. Some of the owner men were a little proud to be slaves to such cold and powerful masters.? Many of the men that work for the banks and corporations create a scapegoat by placing all of the blame on the banks and corporations, as if a bank or corporation is one person to blame. Once Steinbeck creates a malign illustration of the wealthy, he goes on to create a benign image of the poor. The lower class, as a single component, is never described as being wicked. The poor are always generous and ready to help others. The lower class' virtuous attitude is greatly emphasized by comparing them to the wealthy. The okies are only able to make it through life by helping each other. It is through this realization that the okies obtain their strength. One of the messages that Steinbeck tries to communicate to the reader is the reassurance that when the poor help each other they are accomplishing more than what a little bit of money could have done for them. Almsgiving tends to perpetuate poverty; aid does away with it once and for all. Almsgiving leaves a man just where he was before. Aid restores him to society as an individual worthy of all respect and not as a man with a grievance. Almsgiving is the generosity of the rich; social aid levels up social inequalities. Charity separates the rich from the poor; aid raises the needy and sets him on the same level with the rich. - Eva Peran Aid is one of the exceedingly important aspects of life that people tend to overlook. The poor are more inclined to give aid to each other than

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ebola essays

Ebola essays A virus is an ultramicroscopic infectious organism that, having no independent metabolic activity, can replicate only within a cell of another host organism. A virus consists of a core of nucleic acid, either RNA or DNA, surrounded by a coating of antigenic protein and sometimes a lipid layer surrounds it as well. The virus provides the genetic code for replication, and the host cell provides the necessary energy and raw materials. There are more than 200 viruses that are know to cause disease in humans. The Ebola virus, which dates back to 1976, has four strains each from a different geographic area, but all give their victims the same painful, often lethal symptoms. The Ebola virus is a member of a family of RNA viruses known as 'Filoviriade' and falling under one genus, 'Filovirus'. "The Ebola virus and Marburg virus are the two known members of the Filovirus family" (Journal of the American Medical Association 273: 1748). Marburg is a relative of the Ebola virus. The four strains of Ebola are Ebola Zaire, Ebola Sudan, Ebola Reston, and Ebola Tai. Each is named after the geographical location in which it was discovered. These filoviruses cause hemorrhagic fever, which is actually what kill victims of the Ebola virus. Hemorrhagic fever as defined in Mosby's Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary as, a group of viral aerosol infections, characterized by fever, chills, headache, malaise, and respiratory or GI symptoms, followed by capillary hemorrhages, and, in severe infection, oliguria, kidney failure, hypotension, and, possibly, death. The incubation period for Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever ranges from 2-21 days (JAMA 273: 1748). The blood fails to clot and patients may bleed from injections sites and into the gastrointestinal tract, skin and internal organs (Ebola Info. from the CDC 2). The Ebola virus has a tropism for liver cells and macrophages, macrophages are cells that engulf ba...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Word is Careless

The Word is Careless The Word is Careless The Word is Careless By Maeve Maddox This comment on a site offering tips to writers brought me to a stop: Does your writing suffer from waaaay too many em-dashes? Incareful authors often use them in place of a comma†¦ The standard negative form of careful is careless: full of care, and without care. If a writer had a reason to form the negative with a prefix, the one to use with careful would be un, not in. With a few exceptions, the negative prefix -in is used with words of Latin origin. The word care is from Old Engish carian, cearian be anxious, grieve; to feel concern or interest. But, theres no need to bother with uncareful because we already have the word careless. Here are some examples of the form incareful infesting the web: But often enough, incareful work causes hazards. The configuration scheme is infinitely flexible, and apparently has enough sharp edges for the incareful geek to hurt himself upon. However, incareful reading can lead the impression that there are inconsistencies, There is little or no opportunity to save what might be a good and even ground-breaking proposal sunk by the inexperience or incareful reviewing of one person. †¦people who were incareful enough to get caught doing what a lot of men do every day†. Most of the time a man will feel incareful if he is being unwanted in any way. (This writer may have been reaching for uncared for.) I suspect that the popularity of the nonword incareful may have something to do with an unconscious feeling that it sounds less judgmental than careless. Some synonyms for careless: absent-minded cavalier foolhardy heedless impetuous inattentive incautious irresponsible negligent reckless remiss Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Farther vs. FurtherPeace of Mind and A Piece of One's MindOne Scissor?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Amazon Kindle And Its Innovativeness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Amazon Kindle And Its Innovativeness - Essay Example At the same time, institutional economics define innovation as an important economic activity for reducing transaction costs and thereby improving operational efficiency. According to Leger and Swaminathan (n.d), the evolutionary economics defines innovation entirely different from neoclassical theories and assumptions; and it illustrates innovation by reconciling the micro and macro evidence. In the context of international trade, â€Å"endowments and factor prices, market structure and competition, and demand pull factors† are the determinants of innovation. Sundbo (2003) reflects that innovation process is generally classified into three types such as product innovation, process innovation, and strategy innovation. Tidd, Bessant, and Pavitt (2005) state that under product innovation, an organisation tries to bring a new product or service to life with intent to meet customers’ changing requirements whereas the process innovation attempts to increase a firm’s bottom line profitability, managerial control over costs, productivity, and employee job satisfaction. In the view of O’Marah (2005), the process innovation also benefits customers by increasing efficiency in supply chain activities such as timely product or service delivery. Finally, strategy innovation is about restructuring the prevailing industry methods of creating customer value for the purpose of adding additional value to the company’s market stature and creating new markets and customer groups for wealth maximization.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Is True Love Real or Just an Illusion Research Paper

Is True Love Real or Just an Illusion - Research Paper Example scientifically rigorous in their characterization of the concept, however they disagree on what constitutes love and to what extent the traditional concept of true love is the same today as it was in past generations. This essay considers these perspectives in regards to Raymond Carver’s short story and offers its own unique perspective on the concept of ‘true love’. Raymond Carver’s short story ‘What We Talk About, When We Talk about Love’ examines the concept of love from a number of angles. One such formulation is presented by Mel’s wife Terri. Terri describes a relationship she had with her former husband Ed who used to abuse her because he couldn’t gain total control over her. Later in the story Mel posits a different version of love wherein a senior citizen couple gets in a traffic accident and the husband is in despair because he is unable to turn his head to view his wife. While the story presents these concepts a different types of love, they actually function very similar in logically supporting their claims. These are examples where ‘true love’ is understood by its intensity of expression. That love is not a medical or scientific example, but is an intensity of feeling that is surfaces in things such as the example described. Throughout the conversation Nick and Laura remain passive participants and are in great part dominated by Mel. The story notes that Mel is a cardiologist -- that is, a doctor used to formulating medical prescriptions and categorizing human functions. It follows that he would be the most confident in overtly defining what ‘love is’. In a sense, Mel believes that love can be understood and defined through reason: love is passionate intensity; love is deep devotion, etc. When Nick and Laura respond to the question they nudge each other under the table and then Nick takes Laura’s hand and kisses it. This is an understanding of love that is not defined but felt. Nick and Laura are not able to define their

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Of Morality and Spirituality Essay Example for Free

Of Morality and Spirituality Essay The moral sacred Philippines started from a dream, and now that it continues to progress it can be one good evidence that as long as someone believes in an idea, it can be possible. As long as its aim is for the goodness of the citizens, it can be a reality. This concept does not want to create a world of perfection but rather a world of morality and spirituality. That world is where we can clearly distinguish the right ones from the bad. It is where we can not only think about ourselves but also the community, the government, and the nation. This dream can all be possible if we just go and believe that the land where we stand can be a better habitat of mankind. From Genesis 1:27, God created mankind in His own image. This verse proves that each of us is spiritual at heart. We just have to go and find the path through our hearts. We are created in His likeness which gives us the realization that all living things have something good in the inside. If we believe, make something to make this work, the moral sacred Philippines will make sense. A. WRITING AS A SOCIAL ACT The event connects with how writing can be a social act. In the said event, one does not only think about himself but also for the people around him. As for writing, a writer does not only write for him or for him to understand but also for his readers and audience. You write alone, but you always write for others. Readers matter. Once a writer sets his or her thoughts to any medium, whether paper, blog, status update, there is the potential for audience interaction. Ideas and creativity are created outside ourselves. Writers can never be more creative without the experiences and thoughts the people have. They continue to interact with people. Writing is a social act. Writers choose to see the beauty and brilliance of the world around them. Writing is nothing without the world and mind that surrounds them. B. WRITING AS A MORAL ACT Morality and spirituality is what the event focuses on. As for writing, writers do not only write everything that flows from their thinking, he must be careful. Something that anyone who writes words of any kind would do well to remember. Words have their moral consequences. The responsibility is particularly great for writers who deal with spiritual issues. Every word they write leaves its mark upon their soul and upon the souls of those who read their work. Their words may become sacraments, visible signs of an invisible grace, or they may turn to poison and ashes. It may signify the abyss or nothing at all. Writers must strive against mediocrity in one’s work, aiming always higher for lucidity of thought and beauty of expression with still being careful with the words they use. Every piece they make has an effect in this world. They are part of our moral conversation as a society. They weigh in. The creation of literature worthy not only its high artistic calling but of his stature as a creature created in the image and likeness of God.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Poor Qulity in the Home Construction Market :: Residential Housing Real Estate

With low finance rates more Americans are purchasing homes than ever before, but the quality of these mass constructed homes is dropping. Imagine breaking your back for ten years to save up for your first home and losing it all and more because your home fell victim to a fire. This is a common example of what may happen when a house is poorly constructed. Home builders are disregarding the much needed safety regulations when calculating their budgets. In the construction business time is money, and when time is an issue sacrifices are often made. It is these sacrifices that are lowering the standards of building within the home-building industry, costing Americans millions annually due to property losses and repair costs. Foundations are cracking due to poor engineering and rushed pouring processes, and homes are burning as if they were mere piles of kindling due to faulty wiring and the disregard of general fire precaution. A problem that has become increasingly more prevalent the l ast couple of years is the loss of property due to natural disasters. Regulations and guidelines have been developed and introduced into the construction industry to aid in preventing the destruction of homes in such a crisis. The devastation these natural disasters may cause accounts for billions annually but can drastically be reduced with stricter enforcement of precautionary measures outlined in construction regulation codes. Who should be held accountable? Maybe we should penalize the construction companies for ignoring what may seem like insignificant precautionary measures in order to complete projects on time and within budget. Or should we turn to the bigger picture and question the state or national level regulation agencies for their slacking enforcement and infrequent development of these imperative regulatory codes? Where ever the problem originates from, it needs to be resolved before the appeal of being an American homeowner loses its prestige. More importantly, homeo wners are at a financial and physical risk because safety and quality control has lost its priority. Purchasing a home is many times one of the most important investments a person or family may encounter. Most commonly homes are financed over periods ranging from ten to twenty years, but in some cases this is ample time for the integrity of poorly constructed homes to deteriorate beyond repair. This raises much concern within state regulatory agencies that overlook the lacking quality in thousands of homes built annually. Agencies such as the Texas Department of Regulation and Licensing and OSHA provide strict guidelines covering many different aspects of construction in order to insure quality and safety throughout the industry.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Logic and Logically Consistent Manner

1. What is logic? Is it beneficial for you to think in a logically consistent manner? â€Å"The inherent ability to mentally compare and weigh two or more perceptions and to mentally conclude accurately what is the differences and/or similarities between each perception. † â€Å"Logic is the science or art of exact reasoning, or of pure and formal thoughts, or of the laws according to which the processes of pure thinking should be conducted and formation and application of general notion. † Logic is the study of information encoded in the form of logical sentences. 2.What if†¦ if the basic laws of logic such as below is not available to us? a. ) Law of Identity: A is A b. ) Law of excluded middle: A or not A c. ) Law of non-contradiction: A and not A both doesn’t follow. 3. Why symbols are important in the domain of mathematics and in the growth of scientific knowledge? Symbols, in the most fundamental sense of the word, can refer to anything which stands fo r something else (the signified). There could be a natural relation which immediately suggests the relation between a sign and signified or the relation could be arbitrary and chosen through some convention such as words in a language.Process of symbolization: It is the replacement of something by a symbol for example; one can replace ‘Mass’ by ‘m’, a number by ‘n’. In almost all cases such replacement or naming is conventional and arbitrary. The process of symbolization should not and does not modify or distort that which it stands for. 4. Is communication effective without the logical connectives such as or, and, implies, not, if and only if? 5. Why we treat mathematical truth as certain? Why logic emphasizes on â€Å"tautologies† rather than contradictions?Logic is non-contingent, in the sense that they do not depend on any particular accidental features of the world. Physics and the other empirical sciences investigate the way the wo rld actually is. That no signal can travel faster than the speed of light is depends upon the law of physics. If the laws were different, perhaps this would not have been true. While the principles of logic are derived using reasoning only and their validity does not depends on any contingent features of the world.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Factors Affecting Female Achievement Essay

The definition of education guiding mainstream schools today is that education is the delivery of knowledge, skills, and information from teachers to students. While the above metaphor—education as a delivery system—sounds reasonable, it misses what is most important about education. This mistaken idea of what true education is and how it can be achieved is the root problem in mainstream education today. This conception of education contributes to harming students and teachers by driving policy makers to insist on accounting for the â€Å"units† of information that students demonstrate knowledge of on tests. The perceived need for mass scale standardized outcomes leads to a kind of instructional bookkeeping that drives administrators to control teachers’ behavior, which in turn is directed to controlling students’ behavior in ways that increases symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other forms of diminished psychological well-being. Student outcomes as measured by tests bear little relationship to true education, and so the instructional bookkeeping scheme is a failure even before the harm it causes is taken into consideration. [[SIDEBAR: Check out my video about Waiting For Superman to see how the delivery metaphor was presented in that movie as an utterly obvious truth for mainstream audiences, much to my chagrin.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Dbq God almighty the eminent power of the colonies throughout the New England and Chesapeake region, were settled by people of English origin and religious backgrounds."A model of Christian charity"  was written on the board the Arbella on the Atlantic Ocean in 1630 on its way to the colonies. In a small passage, God was praised and thanked; also in this passage there was terms or agreement written by the passengers. A few statements were "we must uphold a familiar commerce together in all meekness, gentleness, patience and liberality. We must delight in each others make others conditions our own, rejoice together, mourn together, mourn together, labor and suffer together, always having before our eyes our commission and community in the work, our community as members of the same body."  Onboard the ship bound for New England the passenger list shown Family life . Many young children, husbands and wife.Chesapeake Executive Council Annual MeetingShowing that these people are looking for new life or a new start while escaping religious persecution. While onboard the ship bound for the Chesapeake regions specifically Virginia it showed a list 90% male all over the age of 16. and 10% are shown as women . This shows how the Virginia and Chesapeake area was used as labor zone and the women were of non-importance used mostly as entertainment for the workingmen.In the Chesapeake region(Springfield, Massachusetts) an Ariticle of agreement was wrote saying that a town should be composed of forty families rich and poor, that every inhabitant shall have a convient proportion for a house lot , as we shall see fit for everyone quality and estate. In Connecticut wages and prices were set by a court. Which profites wer moderate as enables them to serve god and their neighbors with their arts and trades...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Effect of Bad Debt Management in Nigerian Banking Industry and Dissertation

The Effect of Bad Debt Management in Nigerian Banking Industry and Remedies - Dissertation Example 2. Literature Review 10 2.1 Nigerian Banking Industry and its Role in Economic Growth 10 2.2 Deregulation of the Banking System 12 2.3 Credit Risk and its Management Strategies 13 2.4 Impact of Credit Risk 17 CHAPTER THREE 19 3. Research Methodology 19 3.1 Justification of the Methodology 19 3.2 Research Methodologies 20 3.2.1 Qualitative Methodology 20 3.2.2 Quantitative Methodology 21 3.3 Data Collection 21 3.3.1 Primary Data 22 3.3.2 Secondary Data 23 3.4 Sampling 23 3.5 Reliability and Validity 23 3.6 Ethical Considerations 24 References 25 CHAPTER ONE 1. Introduction The history of Nigerian banking industry dates back to the year 1892 when the first bank was incorporated by the colonial British Empire (Okezie, Tella, and Akingunola, 2011). The business operation of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) was initiated in the year 1959. The autonomy of CBN was lost to the Federal Government during the period 1968 to 1999. It resulted in Nigeria being surrounded by a loose monetary policy that was implemented by the Federal Government then. In the year 1999, the last of the military regime in Nigeria, gave back the banks legal autonomy in the field of exercising monetary policy and regulatory functions (Central Bank of Nigeria, n.d.). After the independence of Nigeria in 1960 till the beginning of 1980s, the banking industry of the country was mainly dominated by the three banks namely First Bank, Union Bank, and United Bank for Africa. The banking sector was deregulated by the Nigerian government in 1986 which resulted in easement of entry barriers for the new entrantsin the banking industry of Nigeria. As a result of this deregulation, many new banking firms made an entry into the Nigerian banking sector and the number of banks in the country rose to over 100 (Ekpenyong, and Acha, 2011). Many of these new banking firms were poorly managed and weakly capitalised. The regulatory supervision was also quite weak. This resulted in a series of bank failures and turned up to be banking crisis in the year 1990s. At the beginning of 1989, almost 20% of the loan portfolios were adjudged to be non-performing assets. Since the year 2002, the banking industry of Nigeria comprised of 24 commercial banks, 5 development finance institutions, 5 discount houses, 50 class A bureau de change, 598 class B bureau de change, 84 finance companies, 98 primary mortgage institutions, and 914 microfinance institutions (Iwukemjika, n.d.). One of the major concerns for the policy makers is the increasing level of cases of banks in being distress. Hence bad de bt forms an important aspect of the banking industry in Nigeria. 1.1 Background of the Study It is a fact that the banking system is considered to be the engine of growth in any economy. It is so because of its function of financial intermediation. With the help of this function the banks are able to increase their performance, facilitate capital formation, and ultimately help in promoting economic growth (Badun, 2009). However, the ability of the banks to foster economic development and growth depends on the stability, health, and soundness of the system. The shareholders fund constitutes only a small portion of the total liability of the banks. This fact undermines the need for a reliable, viable and strong banking system. Hence, not surprisingly, the banking sector is found to be one of the most regulated sectors in an economy. In a modern economy, one can find clear distinctions between deficit and surplus economics units and also in the process of separation of the mechanism re lated to saving investment. This fact has led to the emergence of financial institutions whose primary responsibility includes

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Obama Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Obama - Research Paper Example This is shown by a report published that indicated that, during the 2012 campaign, of all the candidates, only one did not recieve a single week of positive media coverage. This candidate is the incumbent president Barack Obama. His negative coverage is attributed to several factors one of which is the criticism levelled against him by each of the republican contestants seeking for his position. Mitt Romney for instance in his criticism calls him a crony capitalist and accusses him of not understanding the passion of freedom. With very few days remaining to the republican party nominations, he did not mention any of his opponents in the party nominations. He was backed by his endorser , john McCain, who attacked his naming of three members to the National Labour Relations Board for appointing them without the approval of the congress. Romney went ahead to air that the process of appointment was un-American and termed it as apolitical payback. . These utterances in the presence of the media has portrayed the president negatively to the public. The study, basing on newspaper, television, radio and internet news outlets indicates that the media has subjected the incumbent more as a candidate than the president. It indicates that, since November, a larger proportion of Obama’s coverage approximately 63% was centred around political strategy and momentum. Foreign and domestic issues on the contrary recieved only 21%. A study by The Daily Beast reveals that from January to April, comparatively, Romney’s coverage by the media was twice focussed on the positive than Obama’s. In January, the proportions of the negative coverage outweighed the positives coverage in the range of 28 and 37 percentage points. In February, there was a moderation, however, with the disparity ranging only between 11 and 15 percentage points. In the last week of February, the differential saw even a further drop which essentially gave the president a mixed narrative. This w as attributed to the shift in focus to the final match-up between Obama and Romney that saw the incumbent receive some positive coverage. The tone of coverage, however, shifted back to 15 percentage in the last weeks of March which spread out to the first weeks of April 2-8 which marked his worst week since January. Some books have even branded him a non-reformer and have gone ahead to state that he is the least experienced politician. One of the drivers to this negative campaign was the continual increase in gas prices. This led to the questioning of the credibility of his administration on the energy policy. Fox news, which covered the fuel prices most frequently in most instances blamed the president on the increase in prices. This claim was in line with the republicans, though it lacked the facts to support it. All but a few of the news outlets ranging from broadcast coverage, cable coverage and the print media that covered the fuel economy standards linked it to the obama admin istration. This was further accelerated by the hosting of the media houses of the politicians to address fuel crisis other than inviting the energy experts. Obama, on the other hand, through his weekly radio and internet